Friday, August 24, 2012

Mackenzie is Awesome

I'm over the moon EXCITED to share this photo session with the world!  

I got to meet up with Jenny and Mackenzie to take Mackenzie's senior photos. Jenny is a forever friend. We spent our high school and post high school years always together. She was with me during the birth of my first child. I was right there when Mackenzie was a baby as well.  

Life took over, we both got busy making our way in life and we did a pretty awesome job at it!  We both managed to provide loving and supportive homes for our kids and I must say I think we have some pretty super amazing ones at that!  

These two ladies are pretty darn cool.  They share the same big contagious smile!  

Gotta love a girl full of energy and spunk and a little goofiness! 

Do kids today even know how to operate one of these things?  (Oh man! That was an old lady comment - thanks for humoring me Mackenzie)


 There's more! Check out the video. 

(click on the link  Warning - there is music so plan accordingly (hit mute before clicking on the video if you are taking an internet break in Cubeville)

The world is yours! Conquer it with your beautiful self!

Please feel free to stop by my website and take a look.  Christine Kleidon Photography

Feel free to leave comments below. Thanks for stopping by. 

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