Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Surprise for Mom

These kids are so awesome and would make any mom proud.  And........ we managed to pull off a heck of a surprise for their mom.  I think Jessie and I were about to loose our cool a few times trying to keep this photo session a surprise for their momma!

Josh is being deployed to Afghanistan early in March. I don't know how a mom processes and accepts that her oldest 'baby' (yes you are always mom's baby no matter how old you are) is going to be on the other side of the world in an unsafe place. I admire all families that endure having a loved one so far away.

Josh, Jessie and Justin came over on a Saturday morning, we set up a make shift studio in my kitchen and had a FUN photo shoot.  We managed to get some pretty awesome images of the three of them together to present to their mom at Josh's "Come Home Soon" Party the following week.

For a whole week we had to KEEP A SECRET, from the woman who KNOWS EVERYTHING! And guess what!  We did it!! Great job kids.  It was my honor to be a part of this special gift for Jody!  

So kids - if you really want to do something special for your mom - the most perfect gift would be a few nice photos.  Mom will turn to mush!

Now here's some fun images from our session.

Check out the video at this link: Video

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